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Symbology of the Oreo Cookie

Oreo is a sandwich styled cookie with traditionally 2 chocolate cookies on the top and bottom with a cream filling between them. It was first introduced in the market in the year 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, USA. The current design of the OREO was formulated in 1952, before that it had a simpler design of a wreath on the periphery and Oreo written in the middle which got changed to Oreo written within a circle in the middle. The chef/designer who made the latest and the present design is unknown till date, although I can assure you that he/she must have been a symbology expert.

The etymology of the word OREO gives us two words. Or & Eo. The 'or' could have multiple roots, one could be from Greek meaning 'mountain' or from French meaning 'gold'. The Hebrew meaning for it is 'אוֹר' which means light and can also mean dawn, morning light, sun, sunlight as per New American Standards Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries. The word 'eo' has a similar meaning from the Greek word ēōs, meaning dawn and is also the name of the goddess who symbolises dawn in Greece just like her Hindu counterpart 'Usha'. If you combine the Greek meanings of the two words, it could mean dawn on the mountain. Also, note how 'Re' within the word Oreo, means the Sun God as per Egyptian tradition. (Also referred to as 'Ra')

Looking at the present day cookie design (as seen in the image above) one can see some basic elements. Lets try to analyse them one by one.

The first element we'll see is the circle over the word “OREO” which is connected to a two horizontal bar cross, this is the Cross of Lorraine. The Knights Templar carried this cross on their shields into their Crusades. The Crusades were the battles between the Christians and the Muslims for the holy land as both felt that the land was theirs by virtue of their religious beliefs. The Knights Templar would later shift base to Malta and rename themselves as the Order of Malta or Knights of Malta.

This is the Satanic Cross or the Leviathan Cross on the left above. In ancient alchemy this symbol was used for the element 'sulphur'. In its natural form sulphur is non reactive with air. When exposed to a flame, it liquefies before burning with a pale blue flame. This characteristic of Sulphur was pretty unique and due to this the common people didn't trust it for daily use. Sulphur represents the characteristics of hot, dry,& dissolution, same as the element of fire and why it is linked to the sun in alchemy and in turn due to that deemed a masculine energy. These same qualities are used to describe, another interesting concept. HELL! (coincidental?). The Biblical cities of Sodom & Gomorrah were rained with Sulphur in order to destroy them since the people there had no righteousness left in them. Could that be a sly reference to acid rain in the Bible? The logo on the right is of NABISCO the company which started making the OREO cookie and now has been acquired by Mondelez, the company which owns the Cadbury/Dairy Milk brand. You can again see the Satanic cross on their logo.

We have already established how the Knights Templar later became the Knights or the Order of Malta. This symbol on the left which is known as the Cross of Malta or the Templar Cross Pattee is adorned 12 times in a circular fashion on the Oreo cookie. To the avid gamers they may remember this logo as of the evil villanous Umbrella Corporation from the Video Game Resident Evil. (I'll be touching more on the Umbrella Corporation, Order of Malta & Corona Virus soon)

After these three pretty obvious symbols there are another two small designs on the cookie which if examined closely have a great deal of symbological relevance. The first one is the symbol just below the encircled OREO. I have put the upside down image of the OREO cookie above so that one can clearly see the similarity. The design on the cookie is the Divider and Set Square Free Mason symbol. The curve in between the divider on the cookie is of the G, which would have been visible if the cookie was bigger. The Free Masons are one of the MOST influential organisations in the world if not the most. They have 33 degrees in ranks with 33rd degree mason being the Grand Master and the 1st degree being the Apprentice. Their members have been on influential positions of the biggest companies in the biggest industries since the past century, be it entertainment, pharma, weapons, food etc.

The periphery of the cookie has 12 dashes and 12 dots between the dashes. Could this be a reference to the 12 apostles or the 12 zodiacs?

In a study conducted at the Connecticut University , the OREO cookies had addictive properties. The drug the main neuro scientist of the study compared OREO to was not some ordinary drug but 'Cocaine'.

What present day science knows is that certain drugs are addicting, and that they target dopamine in the brain’s reward system. By over stimulating the brain through repeated highs, the individual experiences cravings for more highs. Over time, the brain produces less dopamine on its own, and begins to rely completely on drugs to stimulate it. The effect is that the individual begins drug-seeking behavior in an attempt to get more of their substance.

Dopamine is basically a neuro transmitter, which means that it is a chemical messenger which sends information from the neurons to different parts of the body. Our brains are wired for us to survive and make us sustain ourselves as long as possible so that we can do what we want which from an evolutionary and pure primitive survival viewpoint is breed and carry on our lineages. How it enables this is by rewarding us when we do things which the brain thinks is going to help us sustain ourselves. Foods high in sugar or salt trick the brain's reward system by making it think that the body needs calories to survive. OREO does the same.

Coincidentally I have never been a fan of Oreos. I always found their taste too artificial to my liking and always thought that the taste was synthetic rather than natural.

If you guys feel like eating them by letting your primal instincts take over you then go ahead. My job was to tell you about it so that you can make a better informed decision.

Peace x

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